An optimistic alliance in the time of change

We think of change as what’s happening around us, but maybe we are the ones who are changing.

Like a Planet which spins while orbiting around its Star, we too go through the Phases and Seasons in life.

The world and how it works does not fit us, and so as makers we have to make things to fill in the gap. But how do we know to make the right things? How do we know if the way we are approaching it is the only way, the right way?

Have you every wonder why there are so many words to describe the same thing, in different languages? Cup. Cốc. La taza. A word: like a circle, is made up with points of view—infinite. The more points that make up the circle, the closer to the 'true circle’. A moving target of truth. The more words and different languages to describe an object, the more accurate and complete the object in focus. Maybe one language isn’t enough to describe a ☕ or 🍵 or 🥤. Maybe we need to have different perspectives to make a more complete picture.

The strength of human creativity is what makes us unique and still further ahead than the machines.

In Design specifically, there has been a rise of production tools to shortcut process such as Principle in taking out the labor in keyframe animation or Figma in file versioning and sharing. When reading the threat of automation, we often exclude Design out of the danger zone — self-convinced that since it is a 'tech' and 'creative' field, the change will come last. This is wishy washy thinking, and that replacement and automation for parts is already here. Even Computer Science, the King of employable, is faced with tools, framework, and no-code movements that getting production closer to 'hit this button’.

Because of this, Designers are moving closer to Business Problem Solving and Ideation vs. Production. To problem solve, we need to enlist the help of others around us and not just ourselves. All we have is the collective human creativity power. I hope it is all we need.

This is a time of pandemic, economic uncertainty, and isolation. But maybe this is also a time when we can dig deeper to think introspectively of the words we would use to describe the world and listen to those around us on how they would describe the same world. Free from the noises and the distractions, maybe this is the time we can get closer to what is true to our values and passion — to know that we even have a passion.

Change is the only constant. Be the Change.

My love letter to you all. Stay strong and stay positive.